Wednesday, July 4, 2012

its been way too long
but time has been flying by, picking up speed with the typhoons that were very recently blowing around this tiny island of ours.

dustin has come and gone and i am refusing to write a word about it in an effort to keep it perfectly intact and all mine in head n heart.
i will say this,
he left in the most epic and dramatic of ways that only he and i could have mustered. without trying to exactly do so.
on his way out the door...well, ..think hunter s thompson meets neal cassady somewhere on a psychedelic magic bus.
i wont bother trying to explain anymore.

im home sick with a fever and tonsillitis. damn this asian pollution. i wish i had the power to start a fresh air revolution on this continent. have a typhoon scoop some up from canada and drop it off over here. im so serious.

went to see an apartment today with kelly and ali. it was lovely! it absolutely fits into my asian dream. a great big pool that falls right under the sun. a huge courtyard with more trees than i could count. a gym. our home to be [hopefully] has lots of natural sunlight, three bedrooms, two bathrooms, and an asian reading room with a pretty window and sliding doors, there are two balconies, one of which is off my bedroom and is begging me to hang up my green hammock from thailand. hopefully it works out. if its meant to it will.

other than that ive been busy playing with the baby buddhas at kindergarten in the mornings, pumping iron at the gym, and climbing trees with boys.

but now i must sleep, the lavender tea emily kindly made for me is sinking in and im fully committed to falling asleep and dreaming deep and waking light.


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